Grammy Award-Winning Engineer Cranks Up the Volume with Amphion’s One25A

When Latin GRAMMY® Award-winning mixing and mastering engineer Stefano Pizzaia bought a pair of Amphion One15 reference monitors, for his home studio in Bogota, he had never heard any of the brand’s speakers in action. Now in another act of faith, over six years later, he has installed a pair of Amphion's new One25A 3-way active studio monitors without first hearing a single note of music played through them.

Pizzaia had hoped to hear the One25A speakers at a trade show, but the opportunity never arose. “So, I said to myself, ‘If I chose Amphion once and I made the right decision, without listening to the speakers at the time, I will do the same with the One25As,” he says. “Because I very much trust the brand.”

Thinking back, Pizzaia recalls, “When I discovered Amphion it was a revelation, because they had everything that I have always liked from a speaker,” he says. “They are passive with a closed design and I also like the crossover stage. Everything made a lot of sense to me. I like the relationship between the tweeter and the size of the driver in the One15s. And they are quick, because the driver is smaller, and faithfully represents fast transients.” At first, he paired his One15s with an Amp100 power amplifier before transitioning to the Amp500 then the Amp700, which he still uses.

Precise and Responsive
 Pizzaia started out studying classical guitar in Italy, later playing electric guitar in various bands before furthering his interest in technology and electronics by switching his focus to audio engineering. For the past 12 years he has worked at Audiovision Studios in Bogota, one of Colombia’s top music production facilities, and also maintaining his own mixing and mastering studio. Originally, he had a concentration on Colombian folk and jazz, but now works with artists across a range of modern music genres. Along the way he has picked up five Latin GRAMMY Awards and a dozen or more nominations, for projects by artists such as Carlos Vives, Andrés Cepeda and Jorge Celedón.

Most recently, Pizzaia has been working with artists in the pop, fusion and urban genres, music with a lot of samples and synthesizers, he says, and for the last couple of years he has been doing more mastering than mixing. “Especially with a lot of transient information in the low end you need a very quick, precise and responsive speaker. You can check some things in headphones, if you have a good pair of headphones, but it's a very different experience to listening through a good monitoring system.”
He continues, “That's why I needed a more complete monitoring system, because I was feeling the necessity of a complete and extended response range from my speakers.” He reports that he had been thinking about trying Amphion’s Two18s, which Audiovision Studios also has, with a BaseTwo25 bass extension system. “But when Amphion came up with the One25As, I said, ‘That's perfect,’ because it's a one-piece solution.”