We're Giving Away 5 copies of '108 Rock Star Guitars'

Music Connection magazine, in association with Hal Leonard Books, will give away 5 copies of the new softcover edition of 108 Rock Star Guitars by photographer/author Lisa S. Johnson. This exquisite book retails for $54. 108 Rock Star Guitars has received widespread accolades for its overall design and the artistry of the images--up-close portraits of the cherished guitars belonging to some of the world's most iconic players, everyone from Jeff Beck to Lou Reed to Jack White. This quality book has French Flaps, 396 Pages and 486 gorgeous color images on High Quality Paper. American Photo magazine named it one of the "Best Photo Books of the Year," while Brian Setzer called it, "The classiest guitar book I have ever seen." To win a copy for yourself, email intern@musicconnection.com.