Get Your Shit Together by The Hunt Sales Memorial (8/10)

Hunt Sales has a resume placing him among rock royalty that, along with bassist brother Tony, found him drumming in support of Todd Rundgren, David Bowie/Tin Machine and Iggy Pop, etc. So here he is at age 64, virtually unknown and embarking on a solo career. Although a bit weathered, he wears his heart on his sleeve, with an album’s worth of solid tunes, grit and gratitude. There is kind of a pervasive Stones, T Rex, Lou Reed and Stax vibe igniting confessional tracks like “One Day,” “Sorry Baby” and “I Can’t Stop.” When Sales sings “It Ain’t Easy” in reference to his new-found sobriety, you believe him.

Rating: 8/10

Big Legal Mess Records/Fat Possum Records
Producers: Hunt Sales and Bruce Watson