Fresh Bytes - Live TouchMix Webinars

Use your time at home to learn about your TouchMix.

Lead by QSC experts, these small, interactive, online classrooms open up the mic to students to ask live questions, share your screen, interact with colleagues and deepen your QSC product knowledge.

QSC is limiting the size of these webinars to encourage a more intimate learning experience. If a webinar is full, check back later as QSC will add additional classes as needed.

June 2, 2020 4:00 PM PDT | 7:00 PM EDT

Introduction to TouchMix
Get familiar with the TouchMix family of compact digital mixing consoles! Learn, basic navigation, channel processing and several unique features that simplify complex processes and allow you get results quickly and easily.

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June 5, 2020 9:00 AM PDT | 12:00 PM EDT

Gain staging and building a mix using Presets
Learn the importance of proper gain structure and how to properly set gain levels in your mixer. Then learn to build a mix quickly and easily by utilizing TouchMix’s powerful presets to apply channel processing.

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June 9, 2020 4:00 PM PDT | 7:00 PM EDT

Sweeten your Mix! A deep dive into TouchMix FX
In this lesson we will break down each available effect on the TouchMix and walk through the various methods of routing and applying FX to your channels to establish an efficient workflow.

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June 12, 2020 9:00 AM PDT | 12:00 PM EDT

Recording to USB Hard Drive
Learn how to multitrack or stereo record your events directly a hard and extract your recorded files using the TouchMix DAW utility.