Focusrite's Win a Record Deal Contest

Focusrite Win a Record Deal

Focusrite has teamed up with Caroline Records of Universal Music Group to offer one talented YouTube performer a recording contract. All you need to do to enter is record and upload a YouTube video of yourself singing and performing an original song on an instrument and submit a form on Focusrite's website.

Entry is free--all you need is a camera, a mic, the desire to succeed and a YouTube account.

To submit, artists must do the following:

• Record a video of yourself singing and performing an original song with an instrument.
• Upload it to your YouTube channel.
• Submit a link via our competition page before the closing date, June 10.

Mic or camera quality do not play a factor in selection; they are looking for the performers with the most talent, not the highest budget.

The competition will run from now to June 10. At that point, the panel of judges will pick 10 eligible performers that show the most potential. They'll hand them over to the team at Universal, who will then pick the winner.

For more information and to submit, visit us.focusrite.com.