
Focusrite Team Up with Sonarworks to Offer Free Headphone Edition License

The latest of the exclusive deals and discounts offered to Focusrite’s Plug-in Collective customer community has been announced, as of March 7 Sonarworks are offering free licenses lasting until October for their Reference 4 Headphone Edition.

Sonarworks specialize in calibration software which levels the musical playing field, using sophisticated algorithms to help music creators achieve pro-quality sound whatever their set-up and acoustic environment. The Reference 4 Headphone Edition is one of their most popular plug-ins, working to flatten the response of a user’s headphones, meaning you hear the music the way it was meant to be.

Removing Unwanted Colouration

Most headphones “colour” the sound you hear, which means they can mask or exaggerate certain frequencies which could negatively impact how you decide to mix your track. Reference 4 HE removes unwanted colouration meaning users can focus on their music instead of worrying about their set-up, and work on the go with a laptop, confident in the accuracy of their mix. Operating as a plug-in on a master channel and as standalone software, the interface is super clean and easy to use and comes with hundreds of profiles for headphones so most brands are covered.

All Focusrite customers have to do to take advantage of this offer is to make sure their hardware is registered; details of the deal then lands in their account. But the offer is available for a limited period only; they must download the license by May 2.

For more information, visit focusrite.com/plugin-collective