Partnered with online mastering service CloudBounce, Focusrite has arranged for a one-of-a-kind Plug-in Collective offer for all registered Focusrite hardware customers. Until Nov. 8, customers can get two songs mastered for free by signing in to their Focusrite accounts. Customers can also subscribe to CloudBounce Infinity Annual (normally priced at $199.99) for $99.
Infinity Annual is the most popular CloudBounce plan – with endless high-res WAVs (24-bit), unlimited 320kbps MP3s, access on any device, more than 15 genre-specific mastering styles, more than 10 post-mastering options, a shareable player page, lifetime cloud backup and track statistics.
CloudBounce offer a high-quality service for anyone who makes music and wants to have it mastered quickly, cost-effectively and in a way that lets the user be in control of the final result. Their service is meant for all musicians, artists, producers and record labels beyond genres and musical tastes. In other words, their service is for users who make music and need tailored high-quality final polishing for it at affordable prices.
CloudBounce is a quick and helpful tool to aid users during their music production process as a whole. People use their mastering for help during mixing, sample enhancement, final mastering and more. Users bounce back and forth to decide how close to ready they really are. CloudBounce provides a fast and super convenient way to get their songs mastered 24/7 – with lossless quality.
Customers are able to get two songs mastered from the Focusrite website here: