Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund Free Seminar

FMSMF Residual Seminar 101On Monday, March 2, the Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund (FMSMF) will present the Residual Payments 101, a seminar followed by a Q&A. Attendees can find out what FMSMF is, how secondary market residuals are generated and how residual payments calculated.

Residual Payments 101 will be held at the AFM Local 47 Serena Kay & Earl Williams Auditorium in Hollywood, CA from 7-8:30PM. The event is FREE, and Local 47 members and working film/TV composers, contractors and musicians are encouraged to attend.

FMSMF logo

Anyone interested in attending can RSVP to rsvp@afm47.org or call 323-993-3162 by Friday, Feb. 27.