Favorite Signing Stories

Favorite Signing Stories of 2019

Karolina Rose

Label: Violet Sunset Records
Band Members: Karolina Rose, vocals; Bryan Percivall, Max Tholenaar-Maples, Tommy
Eichman, Jonathan Schmidt: various programming and percussion
Type of Music: Alternative Pop
Management: Kayla Shea, Kayos Management
Booking: [email protected]
Legal: Jay-Jay Lord
Publicity: [email protected]
Web: karolinarose.com

Face-to-face networking can be indispensable to a successful career in music. Look at singer-songwriter Karolina Rose. When she graduated from the prestigious Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, it seemed unlikely that she would pursue a career in the music business—as an artist. One thing still sticks from her business school education: her use of spreadsheets, and the art of the pitch. “I use spreadsheets to document every person I have had contact with—music supervisors, agents, licensing people,” Rose says.

This artist’s skills at researching and targeting certain influencers have paid off. Her songs are in the catalog of 411 Music Group and the Leo Burnett Agency. “I reached out with pitch emails to all of the music supervisors and other outlets looking for songs for their catalog,” Rose says. “I also worked with Tinderbox music for a radio campaign.”

She credits the annual MIDEM conference in France for creating the best connections. “I went with an artist pass [cheaper than standard admission] and they also had special artist rates for flights. It’s like the European version of NAMM. It is attended by all of the senior executives of music licensing companies, labels, etc. I went to panels and introduced myself to the speakers afterwards. There are after-parties where I met a lot of people. The face-to-face is so important. People remember you.”

Social media has played a role in her success as well. “I found my producer on social media. I researched several producers, but looking at his credits for programming, mixing, vocal production, I saw that he had worked with a lot of artists I enjoy.”

“I wasn’t looking to get signed, so I created my own label. I recommend MIDEM to anyone who can afford it! And also the NAMM

convention. Introduce yourself. The people there are the people you need to meet. I went in my business coat and did it myself. It’s exciting for the execs to meet the artists. They don’t forget it. Face-to-face is indelible. I emailed all the contacts I made at MIDEM and received a great response ratio.”

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