Fair Trade for Songwriters Worldwide
Over 25,000 songwriters and composers from nearly 50 countries throughout Europe, North America, South America and Africa have joined together to form Fair Trade Music, a new, wholly independent advocacy network for music creators. The immediate goal will be the championing of a set of Fair Trade Music Principles designed to ensure transparency, fair compensation, and autonomy for music creators in an increasingly complex and non-transparent music business landscape.
The new group, characterized by its founders as a “Network of Independent Alliances,” will support advocacy for music creator rights throughout the worldand act as a source for the gathering, analysis and distribution of international legal and business information crucial to songwriters and composers. The founding members of the network include the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA), Music Creators North America (MCNA), the International Council of Creators of Music (CIAM), the Pan African Composers and Songwriters Alliance (PACSA) and the Alliance of Latin American Creators of Music (ALCAM).
Contact Rick Carnes, Song-writers Guild of America, 615-500-5573, rickcarnes@songwritersguild.com.