Fabrizio Talent Agency Accepting Music Submissions

161455LOGOThe Fabrizio Talent Agency is currently accepting music submissions for its upcoming artists development program, which is scheduled to start on January 20, 2015.

Created in 2014, the Fabrizio Artists development program was designed to showcase the work of new artists and developed for the music industry. The program main goal is to develop and improve the skills of the qualified artists, and then introduce them to producers and labels that can fit theirs needs.

For the next 45 days each applicant should provide valid information and a track of their achievements, including their three best records and what should be unreleased. This information should be mailed to P.O Box 140409, Brooklyn, NY 11214 or in a digital format to info@vipmusicrecords.com.

Any writer may submit his or her work for the artists development program; the only requirement is that a letter of support from an agent, professional music agency organization or a manager.

The submission deadline for artists development program of new artist is Jan. 20, 2015. Applications and complete list of guidelines will be available by visiting http://www.fabrizio.es/ArtistDevelopment/