Church Chords Presents Talent Showcase in Los Angeles

New Emerging Talent Showcase in Los Angeles

Stephen Buono has launched and curated a new weekly talent showcase series, entitled Church Chords Presents, at Bar ETA Highland Park in Los Angeles, CA. The official series launch is Nov. 22 and the talent is culled from emerging and solidified talent in the city.

“Since moving to Los Angeles a few months ago, I've become more and more immersed in the thriving music scene here and felt a real desire to book, curate and cultivate a series that highlighted all that I was seeing and hearing,” Buono comments. “I've been fortunate to meet and get to know Ryan Julio who runs ETA in Highland Park and with his enthusiastic blessing, start to get something off the ground there which programs a diverse array of talent in L.A.”

All of these shows will be under Buono’s moniker "Church Chords Presents" and will be happening every Tuesday. The official launch on Nov. 22 will present musician, Chris Speed, with his new trio featuring Eric Revis (bass) and Jay Bellerose (drums).

Upcoming performances include:

MAST with Tim Conley, Nigel Staftunis, Gavin Templeton, Anna Butterss

Eric Revis

Adam Levy with Garret Lang (bass) and Kevin Yakota (drums)

For more information, contact stevie.buono@gmail.com.