Lots of MODERN, ELECTRONIC/CHILLWAVE INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a Music Library with great Reality TV placements.
Submit Down-to-Mid-Tempo Instrumental Cues that would fall within the general stylistic ballpark of the following references:
Send well-composed Electronic/Chillwave Instrumental Cues that fit the feel and vibe of the references mentioned above. Structure your Cues around central melodic ideas, while adding and subtracting layers of instrumentation as your pieces progress to create dynamics and interest. Please be sure your productions have current-sounding electronic elements/instrumentation, mellow grooves, and laid-back, innovative rhythms.
TAXI Tip: This library needs a bunch of fresh Instrumental Cues in this style; so if you’ve got the goods, don’t be shy about submitting multiple pieces for consideration!
All submissions should be about 90 seconds to 2 minutes long (give or take) with non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings. Do NOT copy the examples in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, texture, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.
This company offers a NON-EXCLUSIVE, 50/50 split. You’ll split any upfront sync fees 50/50. You'll keep 100% of the Writer's share. The Publisher will get 100% of the Publisher’s share. You must own or control your Master and Copyright to submit for this pitch. Please submit as many Instrumental Cues as you’d like, online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PDT) on Friday, October 2nd, 2020. TAXI # S201002EC