DIY Spotlight With Brooklyn Electropop Dup FIIZ

Readers with a keen eye may have noticed that Brooklyn electropop duo Fiiz were the highest rated act in our New Music Critiques section a couple of months ago. That accolade is fully deserved. 

The duo is composed of friends Fiona and Isabelle  (second names not used), and both started on their musical path when they were just five years old.

They describe the Fiiz sound as, “cinematic, dramatic, electronic, mesmerizing—we’ve coined it ‘Club Catharsis,’” something illustrated beautifully on new release Nightcap.

Nightcap means so much to us as friends and as a musical duo,” they say. “It’s a really tangible thing we have that’s a testament to all of our nights together over the years and how we’ve grown as artists to be able to finish a full project like this.”

They say that the next Fiiz release sees them dip into the issue of DIY, appropriately enough.

“For us, a lot of our music is still DIY,” they say. “We turned our closet into a recording studio for Nightcap, we made homemade production demos for every one of our tracks before we even started looking for  a producer. But in a way it’s the whole mindset of an independent artist. You take an idea, and you just mess around with it until you have something concrete and then you just keep working until it’s done.”

The duo says that they’re reentering their fun and flirty single era, now that their EP is out.

“We’re exploring new ways of using our duality to create sound and having fun with our sexualities and identities,” they say. “We’re really putting our efforts towards being in the studio (aka our apartment) writing, creating and having fun.”

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