Countdown to the Grammys showcase event

Industry and Artists Invited to Countdown to the Grammys Showcase

The "Countdown to the Grammys!" is Saturday, Feb. 11, in Los Angeles, CA. This industry party and showcase for “Next To Blow” artists and bands is a kick-off event for the biggest music awards of the year in the industry worldwide. Hours before the show, this event will be attended by artists, producers and industry in town for the festivities. Attendance is FREE for Music Connection readers—email your name to RSVP your whole party to: info@VIPawardShowcases.com.

Select artists will perform for industry, media, company reps, talent scouts, name artists, booking agents, concert promoters and music fans from across the country, all being filmed for promotion to additional music companies, booking agents and concert promoters at the 59th annual Grammy Awards events in Southern California. Hosted by music industry veteran and indie innovator Jay Warsinske (40+ years of helping breaking artists including N.W.A, Dr. Dre, 2Pac, Eminem, Janet Jackson, Jodeci, New Edition, Luther Vandross and many more; CEO/Founder of INDIEPOWER, IES-INDIE ENTERTAINMENT SUMMIT, Ultimate Tours), the showcase event will be broadcast on Urban Power Radio.

Related: 2017 Nominations Announced for 59th Annual Grammy Awards

Various TV & radio shows, as well as magazines and bloggers will be interviewing the performers for the event. Top artists selected from the concert will be walking the red carpet at the "Countdown to the Grammys!," being interviewed for the TV shows Indie Power Hour, The Road To Hollywood and Behind The Music blog, and artists will be promoted at Grammy oriented events with the opportunity to be spotlighted on top industry seminar, called “Making Money Making Music,” featuring a Who’s Who in the industry and moderated by the Warsinske.

With the industry turning increasingly independent and focused on touring, merchandising and endorsements/sponsorships, the Grammys week industry showcase, as well as company-produced events alongside the CES—Consumer Electronics Show, BET Awards, IES-INDIE ENTERTAINMENT SUMMIT, MTV Awards and American Music Awards are key for artist’s exposure, RR/publicity, contacts and networking to maximizing one’s success potentials and opportunities in the industry.

Reps from the major new artist development platforms for pop Artists (WANNA PARTY! Music), R&B-soul/urban (New Soul Power!), pop-punk/power pop (Powerpop Blasts!), Latin (LATINPOWERED!), country (Country Blast!) & hip-hop (Next Big Thing!) will be in attendance looking for “next big thing” breakout artists for major marketing, promotion and touring worldwide platforms.

Artists interested in performing and promotion packages should email a bio with music and video links to: Talent@VIPawardShowcases.com.

Press/media/industry interested in covering, and those interested in attending should RSVP at: info@VIPawardShowcases.com.