Celebrate the Uncelebrated at Pensados

PensadoAwards_StatuetteThe Pensado Awards, an award show created by the producers of the acclaimed online video series Pensado’s Place, has announced the date and venue for its second-annual ceremony. This year’s festivities will take place on Sunday, Aug 30, at Sony Pictures in Culver City, CA. A video production of the ceremony will follow and be posted on the Pensado’s Place YouTube channel. AfterMaster® Audio Labs is serving as presenting sponsor. Pensado’s Place Title Sponsors include The Blackbird Academy, Audio-Technica, Vintage King, Izotope, The Recording Connection, Avid and many more.

Last year’s ceremony hosted a crowd of over 600 recording industry figures, with the live ceremony highlighted by presentations from the likes of Neil Young and Sir Paul McCartney, some as proud nominees, some as presenters, some there to simply be a part of the evening—and this year’s show is set to be even bigger. The awards will be held outdoors under the stars in Calley Park in the middle of the Sony Pictures Studios lot. A VIP reception will be held on the complex’s Main Street area; the “AfterMaster Lounge” will be located in the Rita Hayworth Theatre; and an afterparty will take place in the Sony Commissary, which is connected to the park.

The Pensado Awards are a natural outgrowth of the ethos behind Pensado’s Place. In recent years, developments in music and technology have changed the landscape for producers, songwriters, engineers and musicians, encouraging artists and composers of all types to hone their craft. From the self-taught basement amateur to the seasoned industry producer, all manner of music professionals are discovering new methods of working and novel ways to reach fans. Over 100,000 albums and millions of songs are released every year, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of concerts put on worldwide, but the awards often end up in the hands of a lucky select group. So the brilliance and hard work of all those producers, songwriters, DJ’s, engineers, mixers, live wizards and behind-the-scenes technicians in audio often go unnoticed. The Pensado Awards, founded as a means of acknowledging these talented individuals and their work, are a grand opportunity for the best pros, amateurs, brands and press to come together as one community to celebrate the uncelebrated.

Read More: Pensado Awards Announce 2015 Hosts

Working behind the scenes to make the second annual Pensado Awards a reality are the producers from Pensado’s Place and a group of top industry PR/marketing professionals. Leading the charge are Pensado and Trawick, along with Pensado Awards Supervising Producer Karen Dunn of KMD Productions (Producer of the TEC Awards for 29 years and various other Pro Audio Events). Rounding out the Pensado Awards Team are social media guru Will Thompson, PR professionals Clyne Media and Lisa Roy, Business Development manager Shevy Shovlin, and Production Coordinators Chongor Goncz and Kevin Sanford, Clair Brothers Global President.

Herb Trawick, the Co-host/Executive Producer and Creator of Pensado’s Place, as well as Manager and Advisor to Co-host Dave Pensado, stated, “We are very thrilled about the opportunity once again to put on an awards show that is by the people and for the people. Last year’s ceremony was a roaring success, and we look forward to making this one even bigger.”

“As an engineer and mixer myself, I am acutely aware that so many of the most talented people in the industry never get the recognition they deserve,” stated Dave Pensado (Co-host of Pensado’s Place, GRAMMY®-winning mix engineer, Teacher). “We founded these awards last year to acknowledge amateurs and professionals for their craft. We hope you join in this year’s celebration, either in person or online.”

Tickets for the live ceremony are available for $50.00.

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit pensadoawards.com.