Canadian Music Week Announces New Virtual Voices Webinars

Developing Your Signature Story: The Cornerstone of your Artist Brand

In today's story-driven world it is crucial to have one that fans, industry and the media will remember and talk about. Ariel will look at some amazing artist signature stories and give you the tools to craft your own.
Nov. 10, 2020 12:30 PM (EST)

Connect Your Way to the Top - Without Leaving Your Living Room

This workshop is designed to break the ice, explore tactics to cultivate relationships, better understand your audience, adapt to situations, benefit from each other, learn true meaning of reciprocity, applying networking scenarios in real time, get out of your comfort zone, become a better listener, ask the right questions, and stay on top of people’s minds. There’s so many tricks of the trade and gems you’ll walk away with. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and then it’s constant contact.

Get your best image on, your mics turned up, dress the part, and have the passion and drive to get you the success you desire. If that’s what you really want! If you care and can practice, then you’ll have enormous leverage both personally, socially and professionally. It’s a special gift and I’m here to share it with you.

Nov. 24, 2020 2:00pm (EST)