Bright Light Bright Light Can't Do Without Their Roland JUNO-G Synthesizer

Bright Light Bright Light (the stage name of Welsh electro-pop artist Rod Thomas) told us about his love for his Roland.

Bright Light Bright Light: I saved up and bought my first Juno-G around 2008, a few years after it came out, and have been a loyal devotee ever since. I have 3 of them (touring / studio / backup). I even got one custom spray painted for my Choreography album and it looked SICK.

I love the feel of the keys on this model, I love the ability to set up performance mode to split multiple sounds and drum patches over the keyboard for songs that really multitask the playing for me or my keyboard player in the live shows, and I absolutely love so many of the built in piano, synth and orchestral sounds. The orchestra hit patches are *chef’s kiss*.

I use a lot of soft synths in the studio but whenever I need something that really beefs up the production to make it feel more alive, I scroll through the sounds on this machine and it gives me such joy. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give up this very particular, very special synthesizer.

Bright Light Bright Light's Enjoy Youth album is out May 17. The "You Want My..." single is out now.

Photo courtesy of Rod Thomas