Book Preview: Music Is Your Business

LEGAL BOOKfeatMusic Is Your Business: The Musician's FourFront Marketing and Legal Guide

By Christopher Knab, Bartley F. Day

(paperback) $39.95

Success in music requires certain essential knowledge. You need the latest information on how the music industry is set up, and the legal information necessary to protect yourself and your art. Industry veteran Christopher Knab’s strategies empower the reader to learn how to work with industry professionals, prepare a publicity campaign, grab the attention of distributors, get radio airplay, negotiate offers for live performances and more. Entertainment law attorney (and Music Connection contributor) Bartley F. Day’s legal chapters include Making Sense of Music Industry Contracts, Trademarking Band Names, Insider Tips for Hiring a Music Attorney, Filing Copyright Applications, Recording Contract Advances and Royalty Rates, and more. Together, the two offer a musician of any experience level a guide to success.