Album Review: Morgoth - Ungod (7/10)
Following At the Gates’ 2014 first studio LP in 19 years, fellow European death-metallers Morgoth follow suit with a new record that’s the same number of years in the waiting. ... -
Live Review: Hit Me 90s at Saint Rocks
The Players: Britney “Left Eye” Aguilera (Mara Hitner), lead vocals; Suge White (Joseph DiLeva), bass, vocals; Chazz Starr (Pancho Burgos), keyboards, vocals; Wayne Grohl (Jon Poli), drums, vocals; Mookie Blaylock ... -
Signing Story: OWS
A boy band that blew up, then went kaput. An incurable, crippling illness. A renowned, deceased chanteuse. Macabre as it may sound, multifaceted artist OWS––also known as Oritse Williams––has those ... -
Live Review: The Narwhals at Amplyfi
Material: Hear ye, hear ye—Los Angeles’ answer to the Strokes may have finally arrived. The Narwhals were founded about five years ago, right around the time they became teenagers, and ... -
Album Review: Ufomammut - Ecate (9/10)
Like their sludgy psych brethren in Neurosis, whose members founded Neurot Recordings, Ufomammut delve deep into metal’s mossy underbelly, making bands like Tool look like camp counselors. That said, the ... -
Signing Story: Twinsmith
Upstart musicians often grind it out at easily disposable day jobs to pay the bills when they’re not on tour. But Twinsmith treasure their day job—after all, it’s what got ... -
Signing Story: Lady Lamb the Beekeeper
It pays to have friends. Take Aly Spaltro’s best pal in New York, Shervin Lainez, a photographer who shoots artists on indie record label Mom + Pop Music. Had he not ... -
Live Review: Badflower at Saint Rocke
The Players: Josh Katz, vocals, guitar; Joey Morrow, guitar; Alex Espiritu, bass; Anthony Sonetti, drums. Material: Badflower are a conventional rock band whose only frills are the occasional guitar noodle ...