The Legal Beat: The Live Concert Business, Post Coronavirus
There is no question that the live concert business has been particularly hard hit by the Coronavirus. It has and will be shut down for the foreseeable future. The biggest ... -
The Legal Beat: The Role of the Music Manager
IF YOU ARE an artist, your personal manager is the captain of your ship. Your manager will be your main advisor on your entertainment career and will help you choose ... -
The Legal Beat: The Stairway Does Lead to Heaven
As every rock aficionado knows, in 1971 Led Zeppelin released their iconic hit song “Stairway to Heaven” (“Stairway”). It was written by lead guitarist Jimmy Page and singer Robert Plant. ... -
The Legal Beat: So You Want To Be A Music Attorney
How does one become a music attorney? I started out as a business litigation attorney. After a number of years, I transitioned into music law, drafting and negotiating contracts. Everyone’s ... -
The Legal Beat: Beyond The Standard “360” Record Deal
In recent years major labels have been almost exclusively offering new artists what are known as “360 deals.” In the traditional major label recording contract the record company only took ... -
The Legal Beat: Beyond the Standard "360" Record Deal
In recent years major labels have been almost exclusively offering new artists what are known as “360 deals.” In the traditional major label recording contract the record company only took ... -
The Legal Beat: Beware the New Gig Law
There is a new law in California that will take effect Jan. 1, 2020. California Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), also referred to as the new “Gig” law, provides that many ... -
The Legal Beat: The "Work-For-Hire" Agreement
There is some confusion among many people as to exactly what a “work-for-hire” agreement is and what it accomplishes. This article will explain when and how it is used. Under ... -
The Legal Beat: The Live Performance Contract
This article will discuss the important provisions of a written live performance contract from the artist’s perspective, whether at a coffee house, college campus, night club, festival, or other venue. ... -
The Legal Beat: Katy Perry Loses Copyright Infringement Case
On July 29, 2019 a Los Angeles federal court jury held, in a unanimous verdict, that Katy Perry was liable for copyright infringement for copying (for her 2013 hit song ...