Apogee Releases 6 Free Clearmountain's Domain Presets

Elevate your mixes with 6 brand new, FREE presets for Clearmountain's Domain!

Created alongside legendary producer/mixing engineer Bob Clearmountain, these presets offer a treasure trove of inspiring and meticulously crafted effects, capturing the essence of Clearmountain's mixing mastery.

We've been working hard to expand your sonic palette, and these presets deliver a treasure trove of inspiring effects, meticulously crafted to capture the magic of Bob Clearmountain's mixing genius. 

The new presets offer a wide range of tonal options, including octave-shifted guitars, atmospheric pads, unique vocal effects, and lush delays with reverb.Here's a glimpse of what awaits:

  • Big Bottom Gtr: Craft massive, octave-shifted guitar tones with pulsing delays for an in-your-face sound.
  • Detuned Cave: Conjure up haunting atmospheres with a dark, detuned delay drenched in reverb.
  • Pitch Stereo Widener: Effortlessly widen your tracks with a classic pitch shift and delay combo.
  • Slight Pitched Eighth Note: Create a lush, spacious soundscape with cascading, detuned delays.
  • Spinal Tap Octaves: Unleash a swirling, octave-shifted madness reminiscent of that iconic solo!
  • Spooky Vocal Reverb: Add a chilling, otherworldly quality to your vocals with eerie delays and reverb.
  • Stairway Octaves: Build a sense of ascent with cascading, octave-shifted delays.
  • Stereo Analog Delay: Get that warm, vintage analog delay sound with a touch of stereo width and pitch-shifting magic.

Watch Bob Clearmountain and his mix assistant Ira Becker walk you through 4 of the new presets.