Alfa Wins the John Lennon Songwriting Contest

Former Music Connection Top NMC of the year Alfa has won the Grand Prize in the 2020 John Lennon Songwriting Contest with her song, "Alindahaw."

"This is taking a little while to sink in for me," Alfa said in a statement released by the competition. "When I was a teenager, I remember logging onto the JLSC website hoping one day I could win, and feeling bummed when I didn't get it year after year. I have been writing songs long enough to know that contests are not the be-all-end-all, but I have to admit - the validation is sweet. Maybe even more notable is that I was able to win this with a song written in my native language and dedicated to my grandparents. It feels extra personal. This one is for my roots and for my family."

Check out the full list of winners here and check out the music video and song credits for Alindahaw on Alfa's Bandcamp page.