Album Review: Thank You for Using GTL by Drakeo the Ruler (9/10)

Drakeo the Ruler is LA’s most original rapper. He has spent the majority of his meteoric rise locked in Men’s Central Jail, where he remains despite never being convicted. During his imprisonment he made “Thank You for Using GTL,” recorded over a GTL-hosted jailphone. On the line is exec producer JoogSZN, who expertly fits Drakeo’s staticky gun talk over nervous post-GFunk beats. The result is the most interesting rap record to come out of LA this year. On it, Drakeo says things no other rapper could ever think to say. Listen for such gems as “if art imitates life, you should probably panic,” and “my only enemy was Barneys New York.”

Distributed by: Stinc Team

Produced by: Joogszn