Album Review: Katy B - Little Red


Katy B • Little Red • Columbia Records/Rinse • Producers: Geeneus, George FitzGerald, Jacques Greene• Score: 8/10

Little Red sets the scene of an international dance club, with beautiful vocals and resonant, surprisingly dark, lyrics. Love and heartbreak are the prevailing themes here. In “Crying For No Reason,” Katy battles an inner emotional struggle while pleading for forgiveness for past mistakes. Standout dance track “Everything” has a familiar ‘90s feel, its catchy hook sure to linger in memories long after listening. Power pop-ballad “Emotions” is the most entrancing, with a vocal buildup that climaxes into an emotional anthem about seeking refuge in a new, exciting love. Overall, Katy B’s sophomore album will remind you of strobe lights, young love and bittersweet memories. – Mira Abas