Album Review: Jenn Bostic - Missin' a Man

Missin+A+Man+jenn+bostic+Missin+orchardJenn Bosti • Missin’ a Man • Absolute/Universal • Producer: Barrett Yeretsian • Score: 9 out of 10

Sparks of funky jazz and soulful melodies imbued with a splash of Nashville twang embody Jenn Bostic’s three-song EP. With a youthful sound similar to Sarah Bareilles (just a little less pop, a little more sassy blues) Bostic demonstrates poetic versatility through powerfully stimulating vocals delicately combined with smooth piano tempos. Somber undertones of the emotionally driven track “Not Yet” yield to lyrical inspirations of hope, determination and strength. Bostic’s catchy, upbeat tune “Superstar” offers a more fun, hip-swaying jingle vibe––a perfect jukebox favorite to play on repeat at your local pub or lounge. – Danica Bellini