ADK A6 Microphone Freebie - (archive: 10/7/16)

Enter to Win an A6 Microphone from ADK Mics in This Week’s Friday Freebie!


A for Acoustic, 6 for Six String. This all-around studio condenser mic sounds great—especially frets, vocals, voice-over or just about anything you can throw at it. The ADK A6 is designed to be reliable, versatile and affordable with no switches to wear out. The A6 is low-noise, yet even without a pad it can handle 131 dB with only 0.5% THD.

“When nothing else works, I grab an ADK A6 and it always shines,” says Ken Riley from Studio One.


ADK Celebrates 18 Years of mic building with not one, but two anniversary sale offers. Check with your authorized ADK dealer.

Retail value: $349
