Artist Karra Mane has a strong voice and a grand vision, imbuing all of her songs with a dark, dramatic intensity. On these recordings, however, it all sounds overwrought and the result is that her vocals are submerged in fathoms of audio. On the upside, “Pray” has a catchy chorus (that could be improved with the addition of a backup choir). And she exhibits impressive voice control on “Last Goodbye.” The artist brings some R&B vocal flavor to “Every Time I Fall,” which employs some effective vocal doubling. Though the Russian-raised songstress is not heavily hampered by an accent, her lyrics––her soul’s message––is often lost in her songs’ sonic traffic jam. We urge this artist to simplify her sound.
Contact: [email protected]
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Cinematic Dark Pop, Electro