Don Arbor

Don Arbor in Berkeley, CA

Musician, songwriter, lawyer and award-winning video maker Don Arbor performed recently in Berkeley, CA. The show featured his song "Everyone Comes from Somewhere," which acknowledges the struggles of immigrants, past and present, to become part of the fabric of American society. As the grandson of European immigrants, Arbor wrote the song to honor his own roots, and to highlight the importance of immigration to our culture. "Everyone Comes from Somewhere" received dual Gold awards for Music Video and Original Song, from the International Independent Film Festival for Winter 2018. More info at donarbor.com. The video is available at: youtube.com/watch?v=7AAAHX5w7S0

Pictured (l-r): John R. Burr, Barbara Higbie, Dewayne Pate, Don Arbor, Jill Suttie, Kevin Hayes and Tal Morris. Photo credit: Irene Young.