songsalive! test drive

Songsalive! Offers Test Drive for $1

Since 1997, Songsalive! has been on a mission to educate and connect songwriters. As a global organization, the company is tapped into world markets, with a members participating from all corners of the globe.

Now, SongsaliveU, the organization’s Songcraft Video series, allows access to a videos and audio podcasts from a select group of master teachers. Songsalive! members have special access to these in the Members' Backstage, for viewing. Topics include songwriting structure, lyric writing, songwriting opportunities overseas, publishing, producing, getting songs placed in Film and TV, and so much more.

For a limited time potential members are invited to test drive the organization for only $1.

Photo by Siri Svay

All details are at songsalive.org.