Alfred Music, Daisy Rock Ukulele Starter Pack

Alfred-DaisyAlfred Music, in collaboration with Daisy Rock Girl Guitars, delivered 95 Daisy Rock Girl Guitars: Girl’s Ukulele Starter Packs in Atomic Pink, totaling over $7,000 of music instruments and curriculum, in support of Ukuleles for Ukraine, a project that has been created by Quinn Boylan and Mark Griffiths to provide an orphanage of 100 children in Cherkasy, Ukraine with basic supplies such as clothes, medicine and musical instruments to give the children their first music lessons.

“As the worldwide leader in educational print music, it is our core mission to help the world experience the joy of making music,” stated Ron Manus, Alfred Music CEO. “By partnering with Daisy Rock Girl Guitars to support this event, we are helping to strengthen a music program that will provide music-making opportunities for young people that may otherwise not have received an education in music.”

This recently released starter pack includes a Daisy Rock Ukulele in Atomic Pink, as well as a matching gig bag and the Girl’s Ukulele Method with accompanying CD. The ukulele is constructed with Daisy Rock Girl Guitar’s trademark “slim and narrow” neck, feminine design on select wood and quality components. The wood neck and arched fingerboard with simple and clean white dot inlay round out the ukulele’s look, sound and feel.

“We are extremely grateful for the generous support of Alfred Music and Daisy Rock Girl Guitars,” said Boylan. “Thanks to their support we will be able to bring instruments to this orphanage and encouraging the creativity and musicality of children who are parentless and lack the opportunities that we are used to.”

For more information, visit alfred.com/default.aspx or  ukulelesforukraine.com.