Album Review: Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal

Like many young bands, these Denton, TX boys have long since bit the Brooklyn bug and look what they have to show for it. This marks Courts’ third studio release and, unlike the frenzied crunch of Light Up Gold, this record will have you praising the gods of lethargy. “Raw Milk,” “Dear Ramona” and “Instant Disassembly” come off as defeated beer hymns while “What Color Is Blood” attests to the band’s ability to pick a groove and stay on it (a la Velvet Underground). Dual frontmen Andrew Savage and Austin Brown maintain vocals with untrained, almost adolescent purity. Excellent.
– Ted Jamison, Score: 8 out of 10

"Sunbathing Animal" • Parquet Courts • What's Your Rupture?/Mom + Pop Records • Produced by: Jonathan Schenke