Album Review: Fiona Joy Hawkins - 600 Years in a Moment

Fiona Joy Hawkins - 600 Years in a Moment - Cover

Fiona Joy Hawkins • 600 Years in a Moment • Little Hartley Music • Producer: Fiona Joy Hawkins, Corin Nelsen, Will Ackerman • Score: 8 out of 10

Driven by her sense of wonder at how globalization affects music and how history changes our perception of instruments and the musical culture of our ancestry, the award winning Australian Celtic/New Age pianist and composer complements the foundation of a contemporary handmade Australian piano with ancient instruments from around the world. True to its “global village” concept, she recorded this fusion of past and present in various cities around the world. Hawkins’ dreamy piano touch is often sensual and compelling, but an equally engaging part of this thoughtful excursion is hearing and reading the names of the exotic instruments she uses to enhance her super melodic thought process. – Jonathan Widran