Yeah Yeah Yeahs Announce #singyyyourheartout Contest

YEAH YEAH YEAHSfeatYeah Yeah Yeahs invite fans to sing their hearts out to their new single “Despair.”  If you can find the time in the intimacy of your wasted summer days and wasted summer nights, send a submission of your heartfelt performance of the song’s first verse to the band. Whomever the band chooses wins a special prize directly from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

A tip from Yeah Yeah Yeahs singer, Karen O to fans: “This is not about how perfect you sound or cute you look, this is about singing what's in your heart and having a good time doing it. Anyone who has the balls to put it out there is good in my book, haters be damned.This song is for you!”

To submit your performance, upload your video to Youtube or Vine and Tweet a link with the hashtag#singyyyourheartout. The top 10 videos with the most votes will be the 10 finalists. The overall winner will receive a special prize directly from the band. Lyrics can be found on the official contest page here:yeahyeahyeahs.com/sing-yyyour-heart-out.

Submission Deadline is August 9th, 2013