Signing Story: Superhumaoids

Signing Story - Superhumanoids Pic2

Date Signed: December 2012
Label: Innovative Leisure
Type of Music: Pop
Band Members: Cameron Parkins, Sarah Chernoff, Max St. John.
Management: Alex Black
Booking: Ben Buchanan / The Windish Agency
Legal: Nicky Stein
Publicity: Andrea Bussell / Shore Fire Media
Web: http://superhumanoids.com
A&R: Jamie Strong, Nate Nelson

Since its inception in 2010, the electro-pop trio Superhumanoids have applied a do-it-yourself ethic to their material and means of distribution. Recording two EPs (Urgency and Parasite Paradise) in 2011, the combo went about paying for both releases out-of-pocket with partial funding coming from placements they were able to secure. Urgency was recorded in frontman Cameron Parkins’ bedroom, while Parasite Paradise was recorded in member Max St. John’s studio. And when it came time to release both offerings, the act used Parkins’ own label, which he co-owns with Colin Stutz, named Hit City USA.

“We take pride in our DIY ethic.”

“We take pride in our DIY ethic; recording, printing and distributing [the EPs] ourselves,” says band member Sarah Chernoff.

The act continued on the same indie track to record its first full-length. This time, however, the three-piece graduated to the studio and used two outside locations to record drums at one, and guitar and bass at the other. Once completed, the group decided the time was right to work with an outside label for the release, as well.

“We have always admired Innovative Leisure,” says Chernoff. “They work with artists they believe in and genuinely admire. They represent a part of the Los Angeles music scene that we really respect.”
And while Chernoff remains enthusiastic about the band’s DIY beginnings, she also points out, “We could release songs on our SoundCloud for the rest of our lives, but at the end of the day, more people will hear the records that we release through Innovative Leisure than would if we self-released. And that’s our goal, to get the music to as many people as possible.”

Superhumanoids’ full-length debut, Exhibitionists, hits retail in June.

By Albert Vega