Mom+Pop Music Signs The Kilans

Mom+Pop Music announces the signing of indie rock band The Kilans. As a part of the new signing, the band is releasing their first single with Mom+Pop called “Colonel” which will be accompanied by a live YouTube stream today on The Kilans channel.

“Colonel” is the band’s third release and the first for Mom+Pop. It combines elements from early 00s indie rock and modern music, creating something familiar yet new for listeners. The band’s expert instrumentation supports lead singer Jack Ongmans's vocals and his lyrics, which tell a tale of trauma that he went through at the tender age of 16.

“I struggled writing about this moment until I wrote ‘Colonel’ this past fall,” Jack offers.

“I needed to finally confide deeply about the trauma induced by being taken away from everything I knew at 16 years old when I was sent away from home. I had started drinking and getting into a lot of trouble and my parents were done and dropped me into an all-boys military boot camp school in Missouri. A farm town, where the air reeked of manure even inside. At such a vulnerable age, It became the hardest year of my life, and I couldn’t believe I was waking up at 6 am every morning and surviving a military schedule that made me into a robot. Every day was the same as the day before, and I never felt properly rested in that Hell on Earth for the nine months I was there.  I hope that by listening to “Colonel’ people can understand what it was like for a young and scared boy to be sent thousands of miles away from everything they know, care about, and love.”

Formed in 2023, The Kilans emerged from the Salt Lake City music scene and have become known for their raw sound and intense live shows. The band comprises Jack Ongman on vocals and rhythm guitar, Jacob Shultz on lead guitar, Cooper Brezoff on bass, and David Wiseman on drums. 
