Lisa Bella Donna Incorporates Found Sound with Austrian Audio MiCreator Studio

Lisa Bella Donna is one of the most visible and prolific figures in the world of synthesizer-based composition working today. Across dozens of full length releases, she has explored a vast array of evocative sonic landscapes created with a unique combination of intuitive modular composition techniques and natural found sounds.

Her latest release, Hysteresis, dives even deeper into these possibilities across a diverse quartet of compositions that range from the gently hypnotic chimes of Gardens of Windfall to the pulsing rollercoaster of the title track. A key component in the creation of Hysteresis was the natural inspiration provided by Bella Donna’s home in Appalachia, which she incorporated through purposeful field recording. One of her favored microphones for capturing these natural sounds in-the-moment was the Austrian Audio MiCreator Studio.

Hysteresis is available now on Lisa Bella Donna’s Bandcamp and all streaming platforms. For more information, visit: lisabelladonna.bandcamp.com

For more information about the Austrian Audio MiCreator Studio, visit: austrian.audio/micreator