Signing Story with Elour

Date Signed: May 2024

Label: Epictronic

Band Members: Elizabeth Ghandour, songwriter, lead vocals, rhythm guitar; Joe Scarpellino, bass, backing vocals; Ned Barclay, lead guitar; Ryan Vee, drums

Type of Music: Femme rock, Alternative

Publicity: carlobellottipublishing.com

Web: elourmusic.com 

Self-described “Femme Rock” act Elour has partnered with Epictronic to reissue their 2023 debut full-length album Blood Running. Elour (pronounced “allure”) is the brainchild of Elizabeth Ghandour, a Minneapolis-based (with Lebanese background) classically-trained singer, formerly of folk band The Heightburners, among other artistic outlets around the Great Lakes. 

Ghandour’s sharp lyrics, experience and creativity, channeled through her operatic voice, is enhanced and energized by the four-piece punk rock spirit, and sound, rounded out by Ned Barclay’s guitar, Joe Scarpellino’s bass, and Ryan Vee’s drumming. Outside of the core, onstage and in studio, Drew Stamps and Will Flynn add drums and percussion, Jeff Hile adds saxophone and Jason Shannon, who produced the full-length in his Zoo School Studio, adds guitar and piano flourishes throughout.

According to Ghandour, Epictronic's greater reach via technological trends and algorithms, industry contacts, and promotional bandwidth will help bring the album to more people in need of a fun outlet to make sense of social consciousness, which is the ultimate goal–validating emotions and observations specifically for women.

“I see my music as empowering for females because of my honesty,” says of her direct lyrics and subject matter (“Good Girl,” “Reputation” and “Beautiful Girl” are Pet Benatar-esque singles). “I think women often try to keep their emotions in check because it’s so easy to be called crazy or hysterical or to be seen as “too much” or too intense or aggressive, while males seem to get away with much more, without being labeled or ostracized. So I like to lean into those labels and challenge those stereotypes by showing that there is strength in showing emotions, even if they’re emotions that are discouraged for women, such as lust, rage, or anger.” 

On the reissuing and partnering, some area for clarity can be necessary. As advised on Ghandour’s social media, “A lot of the links have changed due to the old release being pulled from the services in favor of the re-release, even though it's all exactly the same music–what an industry!”

See Elour playing shows and festivals around Minnesota, Wisconsin and beyond this summer, and stream Blood Running… but be sure to find the right links. Better yet, buy the album.