The Robb Nash Project Rocks to Inspire with Mojave Audio

Robb Nash is a survivor who turned to rock music to give himself another reason to live, and with The Robb Nash Project, he’s dedicated himself to doing the same for others. The immersive stage show has touched the lives of more than 800,000 people with its unique mix of live music, storytelling, and humor, and Nash has used the platform to connect with youth across North America and explore pressing issues of mental health awareness, addiction recovery, and suicidal ideation. As the size and spectacle of the show has grown, Nash and his team have invested heavily in sound reinforcement to deliver an enveloping live concert experience that has studio quality sonics. Mojave Audio microphones have played a major role in achieving this. 

Channeling pain into positivity
Although the success of the Robb Nash Project has been palpable in terms of bookings and audience sizes, Nash says that he feels like he’s achieving the aforementioned significance on a more personal level. This includes making time for cathartic one-on-one conversations with attendees after the show, including youth inspired by his music to perform their own on the stage, and sharing his time and knowledge with students in the classroom. “It really is about re-modeling behavior for them and teaching them that they can channel these feelings that feel insurmountable into something positive — art, music, performance, creativity, all of it,” says Nash. “When you show them that possibility and see it spark something, it’s the most incredible thing.”

“That’s the real fulfillment of all of this, and being able to see that transformation happen either at the show itself or in these smaller interactions is what this work is all about. You can really make a difference with your art, and show others that they can do the same”

“The Robb Nash Project is doing incredible, lifesaving work in a very moving and effective way,” added Wakeman. “We at Mojave Audio are thrilled to be involved in a small way of pushing that mission forward.”

For more information about the Robb Nash Project, visit: robbnash.com