Live Review: Little Image

The Echo Los Angeles, CA 

Web: littleimagemusic.com 

Contact: [email protected] 

Players: Jackson Simmons, vocals, guitar; Brandon Walters, bass, synthesizer; 

Troy Bruner, drums 

Material: Little Image is a rave-ready rock band, complete with thundering drum beats, searing guitars and how-low-can-you-go bass lines that rev up the audience to new heights. The music is a little bit all-over-the-place but the audience loved it. Sounding at times like Rage Against the Machine, and Radiohead and/or the Goo Goo Dolls at others, the music was loud, in-your-face and thunderous the whole time. 

Musicianship: Take three musicians, who individually are very good, and put them together and you have a great, energetic and spirited band that drove the audience crazy. All three of these guys are multi-instrumentalists as they showed off their skills to a near sold-out show at Echo in Los Angeles. Bruner was on keys on some of the songs, Walters was on guitar and Simmons, well Simmons was having his way with the ladies as he included the audience in on all the fun. 

Performance: The performance was great. Little Image had a screen behind them on stage flashing pictures of the band and random thoughts and sayings and images that kept the audience intrigued the whole time. Walters was having a great time showering the front row with sweat as Simmons and Bruner were content with playing their instruments and having fun with the crowd. 

Summary: Little Image is a great rave band. The drums were the driving force behind the sound and Walters and Simmons took advantage and took the music to another level. Simmons vocals are very good and the background vocals by Bruner and Walters added another vital layer to the already, groovy and good music. They are energetic and the music is likable and appealing.