Coldplay at Lumen Field - Seattle, WA

Under a partly cloudy, semi-starlit Seattle sky, Coldplay (Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, and Will Champion) appeared on the sly from an underground tunnel onto the circular center stage of Lumen Field. The British purveyors of ethereal pop marked the moment by reaching up toward the highest seats in the sold-out stadium with unbridled enthusiasm. Chris’s wave to the entire crowd ignited a plethora of multi-colored LED wristbands worn by the audience, courtesy of Coldplay, and recycled after each performance. The action set off a beautifully synchronized light show, a scintillating scene that carried through their entire performance of Music of the Spheres, Acts I. -VI.

The undercurrent of energy continued to build while the foursome moved down the runway toward the main stage. A set of cannons erupted in perfect time with 100 % biodegradable confetti and wireless lights as Coldplay surged into the song “Higher Power” from 2021’s Music of the Spheres. The chart-toppers “Adventure of a Lifetime” from 2015’s A Head Full of Dreams, “Paradise” from 2011’s Mylo Xlyoto, and “The Scientist” from 2002’s A Rush of Blood to the Head, completed the impeccably executed first portion of their set, Act I. Planets.

Being one of the most popular bands in the music industry for twenty-plus years, Coldplay easily pulled out more hits during Act II. Moons. The set included “Viva La Vida” from 2008’s Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, and “Charlie Brown” (Mylo Xlyoto).  “Yellow” from 2000’s Parachutes had everyone in the vast venue holding their lit wrists high, swaying along with the melody in a sea of striking yellow lights.

Act III. Stars. brought forth a similarly on-theme scene of sparkling bright light that circulated through Lumen Field and blipped in time to “Clocks” (A Rush of Blood to the Head) and the BTS/ Coldplay collaboration, “My Universe” (Music of the Spheres). The band ended the set with the anthemic, dance-driven banger “A Sky Full of Stars,” from 2014’s Ghost Stories.

The show culminated with the encore, Act. IV. Home. Coldplay reemerged at the opposite end of the stadium on a smaller substage and connected with the audience on stunning, stripped-down versions of “Sparks” (Parachutes) and “Magic” (Ghost Stories).  Not ones to sit still for long, the band quickly jumped back to the main stage to perform their inspirational “Humankind” (Music of the Spheres) and “Fix You” from 2005’s X & Y, complete with fireworks. The mesmerizing “Biutyful” and “A Wave,” both from Music of the Spheres, made for a perfect finale. On the cue from Chris, and under Coldplay’s musical spell, concertgoers looked up toward the sky and watched a few twinkling stars glimmer through the Pacific Northwest sky.

SET LIST: Music of the Spheres Tour

Act. I. Planets

Higher Power

Adventure of a Lifetime


The Scientist

Act. II. Moons

Viva la Vida

Hymn for the Weekend


Charlie Brown


Act. III. Stars

Human Heart

People of the Pride


Infinity Sign

Something Just Like This (The Chainsmokers & Coldplay)


My Universe

A Sky Full of Stars

Act. IV. Home

Sunrise, Sunset (with Louis Armstrong's spoken word)




Fix You


A Wave
