Volbeat at the Hollywood Palladium

Danish metal titans Volbeat played the Hollywood Palladium Wednesday night (10-6) with Municipal Waste and Ayron Jones Last year marked the 80th anniversary of the Palladium, a legendary venue that everyone from Ray Charles to Jimi Hendrix Experience to Slayer has performed at.

Volbeat celebrated their 20th anniversary this year. Over those 20 years founding members Michael Poulsen (Vocals/Rhythm Guitar) and Jon Larsen (Drums) have been there. In 2013 Anthrax lead guitarist Rob Caggiano joined the band in the studio as a producer/guitarist for Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies (2013) and ended up being a member since.

The next lineup change came when their original bassist  Anders Kjølhol, a member for 14 years, departed the group in 2015. Joining the band was Larsen’s brother Kaspar Boye who had been the group’s tour bassist 10 years prior in Europe.

Over the past decade Volbeat has found great success in the U.S. In Denmark, five of the group’s seven releases made it to number one with another hitting number two. Since 2010 in the U.S. Volbeat has had 16 charting singles of which nine went to number one on the U.S. Mainstream Rock Chart. Their most recent number one is “Wait A Minute My Girl,” from their forthcoming album “Servant of the Mind.” Volbeat played a 100-minute show of 19 songs starting with “The Devil’s Bleeding Crown.” I would describe Volbeat’s sound as a combination of Sun Record legends Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash with metal titans Metallica. It’s Rockabilly meets Hard Rock/Metal. Their set also included a few covers like Dusty Springfield’s “I Only Want to Be With You,” Metallica’s “Don’t Tread On Me,” and a portion of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire.” The four song encore was “Hallelujah Goat,” “Die to Live,” “Seal the Deal,” and “Still Counting.”



  1. The Devil's Bleeding Crown

  2. Pelvis on Fire

  3. Doc Holliday

  4. Lola Montez

  5. A Warrior's Call / I Only Want to Be With You

  6. Sad Man's Tongue

  7. Last Day Under the Sun

  8. Wait a Minute My Girl

  9. Leviathan

  10. Black Rose

  11. Don't Tread on Me (Metallica)


  12. Slaytan

  13. Dead but Rising

  14. Sorry Sack of Bones

  15. Shotgun Blues


  1. Hallelujah Goat

  2. Die to Live

  3. Seal the Deal

  4. Still Counting