Attend Immersive Audio with Leslie Gaston-Bird

Immersive audio is everywhere! But what exactly is it? How is immersive audio different from stereo? Now is your chance to find out! WAM is offering Introductory and Intermediate level workshops with Leslie Gaston-Bird, an expert in immersive audio and author of Women in Audio.

Intro to Immersive Audio – Replay Tickets
This introductory workshop will offer fundamentals of immersive audio and give you the language and comprehensive foundation of the concepts. Take this class as a prerequisite for the Immersive Audio – Mixing class with WAM in October.

Immersive Audio – Mixing – October 14, 15, 16 (via Zoom)
This 3-part intensive will dive into mixing immersive audio. In part one, you will set-up your system and get familiar with all the necessary tools. Part two focuses on mixing and using center, rear and dynamic panning. In part three, you will listen, share and get feedback. Students must have Pro Tools on your personal machine. A 5.1 monitoring set-up would be helpful but not required.