Enter the Music Innovation 2020 Contest

Captain Plugins is hosting the Music Innovation 2020 Contest.

To enter, you have to combine at least two music genres in one song. This contest is for artists and music producers who can combine two ideas into one track.

For example: Flamenco + Trap? Rap + Classical? In short, create your own genre. Be original. If your track makes it to the Top 5 of all submissions, you’ll win incredible prizes worth at least $3000. The grand prize winner takes home over $10,000 worth of music gear made by the best companies in the world. Judges will pick winners from the Top 20 finalists over two rounds.

Round 1: Yakov and the Mixed In Key team listen to all the submissions and pick the top 20 finalists.

Round 2: Our panel of judges pick their favorites among the top 20 finalists.

Deadline: October 22, 2020

Winners Can Receive:

$10,000 worth of prizes: “I’m Introducing a New Music Genre”
To win this pack, showcase a genre that has not been famous or popular before. Our winner in Season 1 combined Waltz in a 3/4 time signature, with Trap, Pop, EDM and other electronic genres. Our advice is to do the same – combine several genres that you love.

$5000 worth of prizes: Best Songwriting / Vocals
To win, create a 2-genre combo with great vocals

$4000 worth of prizes: Best Sound Design / Production
To win, create a 2-genre combo with excellent Sound Design and Production quality – showcase your technical talent at creating sounds

$3000 worth of prizes: Best Hook
To win, create a 2-genre combo with an incredible melody. Make it as catchy as the biggest hits of all time.

$3000 worth of prizes: Best Crazy Combo
To win, create a 2-genre combo where the genres aren’t “supposed to” go together, but they sound amazing anyway. Doo Wop and Trap? Waltz and Techno? Go for the crazy idea…

Submit your song here to enter.