Zylia, an industry leader in the field of 3D audio recording and production, released today the new version of ZYLIA Studio. The software supporting ZM-1 one-mic band recording process gained a lot of new features and became even more user-friendly.
To support the creativity of musicians who are our current and future users, Zylia simplifies the recording process even more. Thanks to that, musicians from now on can focus on recording the music instead of setting up the recording gear and figuring out what to do with recorded tracks from multiple microphones.
In the newest version of ZYLIA Studio, software users can save more time thanks to a new workflow and automatic calibration. Instead of manual calibration musicians need only to place their instruments in a correct zone around the microphone and the dynamic energy map will help them to track their position. Additionally, the waveform of the current recording is generated in real-time.
Users can also expect new and easy to use tutorials which will improve the experience of using the software.
Additional resources:
- ZYLIA Studio v2.0 can be downloaded from here: https://www.zylia.co/zylia-
studio-download.html - More information about the newest release: https://www.zylia.co/
blog/new-release-of-zylia- studio-v20-will-amaze-you - Press release text: https://www.zylia.co/