75 Tips: Best Career Advice of the Year

Too many acts use [social media] like a megaphone, constantly promoting themselves and asking people to do something for them. That gets old fast and it’s no fun [for fans]. You should encourage conversation, ask questions and give people a reason to engage. - Ari Herstand, artist, music blogger Sept.

Buying numbers is the worst thing an artist can do. Their viral rate will go down because fake fans don’t like, share, tag or post. Industry is especially sensitive to it, since they’ve been burned before. Furthermore, Facebook will punish you for it and YouTube will take you offline.    - Hunter Scott, founder, La Famos PR Sept.

Choose the right social network: Not all social networks are the same. And, some fan bases prefer one over the other. By knowing your fans, you can choose a social media site that is relevant to your brand, fans and music. - Music Connection, Sept.

Obviously, it would benefit the artist if the manager must accomplish a specific result. By inserting performance conditions with time limits, the artist can have the option to terminate the agreement if the results (e.g., a record deal, income, an endorsement) are not obtained.
- Ben McLane, music attorney March

Festival Advice MC 75 Tips[Artists sign the first contract they’re offered because they’re both excited and intimidated.] They’re afraid the deal will go away if they question it. It’s a lack of confidence on the artists’ part. [In reality, music biz professionals expect questions, clarifications and negotiations.] As long as they’re fair and reasonable people. Everything is negotiable in this business. Artists should always have someone knowledgeable review (and possibly negotiate) a contract before they sign it.
- Burgundy Morgan, music attorney March

Artists should NEVER grant an unrestricted ‘General Power of Attorney.’ That would give the manager total power and control without having to consult with the artist. There must be strict limitations on it—like only when the artist is unavailable, has been notified and approves.
- Ben McLane, music attorney March

Imagination is better than talent. I don’t think I’m the best musician but I’m good at putting it all together; imagining something when there’s nothing. - Salaam Remi, producer May

People who don’t make it are people who give up. Nothing’s going to be given to you in any way. If you keep trying, you get better, eventually you’ll do something great. Don’t be satisfied if something is just okay. Do something you love and people will catch on. - Jeff Bhasker, producer (fun., Kanye West) Feb.

Don’t mistake activity for achievement. That means you can be as busy as you want, but checking things off your checklist means nothing. - T. Mills, artist Aug.

At the end of the day, Wiz said it best…

Don’t take anything personal; have confidence in your own business structure and just be aware of your surroundings. You learn as you go; everybody’s story is their own so you can’t take one person’s experiences and make guidelines out of that. It’s the energy that you put out, you get back.  - Wiz Khalifa Aug.

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