A fascination with vintage synthesizers, a powerful vocal attack, and hooky material all add up to a well-produced, extremely promising quintet from Las Vegas. Kick-ass drum tones propel “Pieces,” but never overshadow Eric Rickey’s lead vocals or the backup singers who bring a gleefuly distinctive verve to the party. An edgy, keening guitar riff on the mid-tempo “Not Enough” is a showcase for the band’s ability to craft not only good hooks but engaging pop lyrics. Same goes for the group’s best, “Beautiful Things,” which we could easily imagine hearing on alt-rock radio’s playlists. We admire how this band artfully infuses its material with vintage colors, but in a way that is thoroughly modern and, heck, fun.
Contact: rabidyoung@gmail.com
Web: soundcloud.com/rabidyoung
Seeking: Publicity, Label, Mgmt, Booking
Style: Electro-Rock, Pop